• Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Undefined

      Create a request for a new delivery repository in the comet container management system for  the version of rhel you are building the image for (rhelX from now on).

      Clone an existing repository, or create a new one with the following data:
      Image build type: Layered
      Brew package name: Same as dist-git repo + -container (eg. nodejs-14-container)
      Base RHEL version: RHELX
      Release category: GA
      Product: Red Hat Enterprise Linux
      Version: Version of RHEL this container image is aimed for
      Variant: Appstream
      Repository name: rhelX/ + dist-git repo name (eg. rhelX/nodejs-14)
      Image use type: builder if s2i, standalone otherwise
      Auto-release: on
      Auto-conflict resolution: on
      Image owner: component owner + pkubat@redhat.com
      Program Manager :: kanderso@redhat.com
      Product Manager :: bgollahe@redhat.com
      QE Owner :: lzachar@redhat.com
      Doc Owner :: lkuprova@redhat.com
      Errata Writer :: lkuprova@redhat.com
      Notification :: hhorak@redhat.com, phracek@redhat.com

      Important - if your image is shipped in UBI, create a second delivery repository request with following being modified from above:

      Product affiliation: Red Hat Universal Base Image
      Repository name: ubiX/ + dist-git repo name (eg. ubiX/nodejs-14)

      And add a note of it in the UBI image list

            pkubat@redhat.com Petr Kubat
            pkubat@redhat.com Petr Kubat
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
