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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-15906

used-bytes value from virsh guestinfo for fedora/rhel vm remains the same after download large file

    • sst_virtualization
    • ssg_virtualization
    • 5
    • False
    • Hide


    • Yes
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Unspecified Release Note Type - Unknown
    • None

      Description of problem:

      'used-bytes' value from 'virsh guestinfo' remains the same after downloading large file in fedora/rhel vm's
      for Centos it works as expected, other OS do not work as expected

      Version cnv-4.15:

      How reproducible: 100% for fedora/rhel

      Steps to Reproduce:
      ===============Centos Vm=============================

      1) create a centos vm

      2) connect to the virt-launcher pod of the centos vm by running following command:
      oc rsh virt-launcher-centos-stream9-ruling-mammal-vvpwz

      3) run command "virsh guestinfo 1 --filesystem" inside of virt-launcher pod
      sh-5.1$ virsh guestinfo 1 --filesystem
      Authorization not available. Check if polkit service is running or see debug message for more information.
      fs.count : 1
      fs.0.name : vda1
      fs.0.mountpoint : /
      fs.0.fstype : xfs
      fs.0.total-bytes : 32144076800
      fs.0.used-bytes : 2503639040
      fs.0.disk.count : 1
      fs.0.disk.0.alias : vda
      fs.0.disk.0.device : /dev/vda1

      4) download a large file from inside the vm:
      (connect to the vm) virtctl console centos-stream9-ruling-mammal
      5) run command "virsh guestinfo 1 --filesystem" inside of virt-launcher pod

      sh-5.1$ virsh guestinfo 1 --filesystem
      Authorization not available. Check if polkit service is running or see debug message for more information.
      fs.count : 1
      fs.0.name : vda1
      fs.0.mountpoint : /
      fs.0.fstype : xfs
      fs.0.total-bytes : 32144076800
      fs.0.used-bytes : 3599400960
      fs.0.disk.count : 1
      fs.0.disk.0.alias : vda
      fs.0.disk.0.device : /dev/vda1

      we can see both values increased for 'fs.0.used-bytes'

      ==========================Fedora VM ===================================

      1) create fedora/rhel vm
      2) connect to the virt-launcher pod of the fedora/rhel vm:
      oc rsh virt-launcher-vm-fedora-cpu-mem-1-wzbrx

      3) run command "virsh guestinfo 1 --filesystem" inside of virt-launcher pod:
      virsh guestinfo 1 --filesystem
      Authorization not available. Check if polkit service is running or see debug message for more information.
      fs.count : 2
      fs.0.name : vda2
      fs.0.mountpoint : /boot
      fs.0.fstype : ext4
      fs.0.total-bytes : 943562752
      fs.0.used-bytes : 117858304
      fs.0.disk.count : 1
      fs.0.disk.0.alias : vda
      fs.0.disk.0.device : /dev/vda2
      fs.1.name : vda3
      fs.1.mountpoint : /boot/efi
      fs.1.fstype : vfat
      fs.1.total-bytes : 104607744
      fs.1.used-bytes : 12107776
      fs.1.disk.count : 1
      fs.1.disk.0.alias : vda
      fs.1.disk.0.device : /dev/vda3

      4) download a large file inside the vm
      (connect to the vm) virtctl console vm-fedora-cpu-mem-1:
      5) run command "virsh guestinfo 1 --filesystem" inside of virt-launcher pod
      sh-5.1$ virsh guestinfo 1 --filesystem
      Authorization not available. Check if polkit service is running or see debug message for more information.
      fs.count : 2
      fs.0.name : vda2
      fs.0.mountpoint : /boot
      fs.0.fstype : ext4
      fs.0.total-bytes : 943562752
      fs.0.used-bytes : 117858304
      fs.0.disk.count : 1
      fs.0.disk.0.alias : vda
      fs.0.disk.0.device : /dev/vda2
      fs.1.name : vda3
      fs.1.mountpoint : /boot/efi
      fs.1.fstype : vfat
      fs.1.total-bytes : 104607744
      fs.1.used-bytes : 12107776
      fs.1.disk.count : 1
      fs.1.disk.0.alias : vda
      fs.1.disk.0.device : /dev/vda3

      fs.0.used-bytes values remain the same after downloading large file

      Actual results:
      fs.0.used-bytes remains the same value after downloading a large file in fedora vm

      Expected results:

      fs.0.used-bytes value should be increased for fedora/rhel by executing "virsh guestinfo 1 --filesystem > after downloading a large file

      Additional info:
      the issue is not reproducible in Centos VM

            kkostiuk Konstantin Kostiuk
            rh-ee-ahafe Ahmad Hafi
            virt-maint virt-maint
            Meng Dehan Meng Dehan
            0 Vote for this issue
            11 Start watching this issue
