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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-14920

Add the latest Autoconf to RHEL9 AppStream

    • High
    • rhel-sst-pt-libraries
    • ssg_platform_tools
    • 23
    • 24
    • 3
    • Dev ack
    • False
    • Hide


    • None
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    • None
    • None


      • Provide the latest version of Autoconf for use in developer workflow
        • As a Developer, I Want to build and develop an application that uses the latest features of Autoconf, so that I can support my own customers.
        • As a Developer, I want a supported newer version of Autoconf so that I can get Red Hat's support during application development and deployment.

      Acceptance Criteria

      A list of verification conditions, successful functional tests, or expected outcomes in order to declare this story/task successfully completed.

      • Deliver Autoconf 2.71 into RHEL9 AppStream
      • Provide way to install the latest version in RHEL9 for development without conflict with the existing GA version of autoconf e.g. 2.69.
      • Provide an alias name to install the latest version e.g. `dnf install autoconf-latest` which installs the numbered version e.g. autoconf 2.71.

              fberat@redhat.com Frederic Berat
              rhn-support-codonell Carlos O'Donell
              Brian Gollaher, Chris Williams, Frederic Berat
              Frederic Berat Frederic Berat
              qe-baseos-tools-bugs@redhat.com qe-baseos-tools-bugs@redhat.com qe-baseos-tools-bugs@redhat.com qe-baseos-tools-bugs@redhat.com
              0 Vote for this issue
              12 Start watching this issue
