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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-1469

[RFE] Option to avoid sending a client-identifier (option 61) when using the 'internal' dhcp client

    • NetworkManager-1.45.5-1.el9
    • 1
    • sst_network_management
    • ssg_networking
    • 9
    • 3
    • False
    • Hide


    • Yes
    • NMT - RHEL 8.10/9.4 DTM 06
    • Hide

      As a system administrator, I want to have an option in NetworkManager to avoid sending the "client-identifier" when using the internal DHCP client, So that when migrating from RHEL8 to RHEL9+, the same machine doesn't get assigned a different IP address due to the inclusion of the client-identifier by default.

      Given a system administrator is configuring the NetworkManager on RHEL8+ to use the 'internal' DHCP client,
      When they set the dhcp-client-id option to 'none',
      Then the DHCP request message initiated by the DHCP client should not include a "client-identifier" option (option 61)

      Definition of Done

      • The implementation meets the acceptance criteria
      • The unit tests and integration tests are written and passed
      • The code is part of a build attached to an errata
      As a system administrator, I want to have an option in NetworkManager to avoid sending the "client-identifier" when using the internal DHCP client, So that when migrating from RHEL8 to RHEL9+, the same machine doesn't get assigned a different IP address due to the inclusion of the client-identifier by default. Given a system administrator is configuring the NetworkManager on RHEL8+ to use the 'internal' DHCP client, When they set the dhcp-client-id option to 'none', Then the DHCP request message initiated by the DHCP client should not include a "client-identifier" option (option 61) Definition of Done The implementation meets the acceptance criteria The unit tests and integration tests are written and passed The code is part of a build attached to an errata
    • Pass
    • None
    • Enhancement
    • Hide
      .`ipv4.dhcp-client-id` set to `none` prevents sending a `client-identifier`

      If the `client-identifier` option is not set in NetworkManager, then the actual value depends on the type of DHCP clients in use, such as NetworkManager `internal` DHCP client or `dhclient`. Generally, DHCP clients send a `client-identifier`. Therefore, in almost all cases, you do not need to set the `none` option. As a result, this option is only useful in case of some unusual DHCP server configurations that require clients to not send a `client-identifier`.
      .`ipv4.dhcp-client-id` set to `none` prevents sending a `client-identifier` If the `client-identifier` option is not set in NetworkManager, then the actual value depends on the type of DHCP clients in use, such as NetworkManager `internal` DHCP client or `dhclient`. Generally, DHCP clients send a `client-identifier`. Therefore, in almost all cases, you do not need to set the `none` option. As a result, this option is only useful in case of some unusual DHCP server configurations that require clients to not send a `client-identifier`.
    • Done
    • None

      Description of problem:

      NetworkManager permits to configure different possible
      "client-identifier" values via dhcp-client-id option: "mac",
      "perm-mac", "duid", "stable", or a fixed value. However there's no
      option to avoid sending the "client-identifier" at all when using
      the `internal` DHCP client.

      I'm requesting to add a special option 'none' as valid dhcp-client-id
      value, which would instruct NetworkManager to send the DHCP request
      message without including a "client-identifier" option.

      • Background:

      On RHEL7, NetworkManager defaults to `dhclient`. dhclient by default
      is installed with an empty configuration. This results in the OS
      sending a DHCP DISCOVER with no "client-identifier" (option 61) for
      any network interface configured with DHCP.

      On RHEL8, NetworkManager switches to the `internal` DHCP client by
      default. The `internal` DHCP client can be configured with different
      options to manipulate the "client-identifier", but there's no option
      to avoid sending it.

      When a machine that was previously running RHEL7 is reinstalled with
      RHEL8+, it will now send a "client-identifier" by default where
      RHEL7 didn't send any "client-identifier" at all.

      Some DHCP servers will interpret this as a completely different client.
      As result, the machine (same NIC, same MAC) will receive a different IP
      address even when there's a previous non-expired lease for the same MAC
      address on the DHCP server.

      • Current workaround:

      On RHEL8+, it's still possible to force `dhclient` as DHCP client,
      instead of the default `internal`.

      The following configuration produces that the system mimics the RHEL7
      behavior (no option 61/client-identifier is sent):

      • Setting "dhcp=dhclient" in NetworkManager.conf
      • Adding the following to dhclient.conf:

      send dhcp-client-identifier = "";

      While `dhclient` seems still available on RHEL9, according to [1] the
      ISC DHCP client development as ended as of 2022, so I understand that
      it will be eventually removed from RHEL.

      See "Additional info" below and the RFE notes for further details.

      [1] https://www.isc.org/dhcp/

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      No specific version.

      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Run a DHCP server with a basic configuration
      $ sudo ip link add link enp7s0 name vlan1234 type vlan id 1234
      $ sudo ip add add dev vlan1234
      $ sudo ip link set dev vlan1234 up
      $ sudo stdbuf -o0 tshark -i vlan1234 -Y "dhcp.option.dhcp eq 1" -V -O dhcp 2>/dev/null| egrep --line-buffered "Message type|Option" -A 2 &
      $ sudo dnsmasq dC <<EOF

      2. Configure a RHEL7 host with DHCP

      $ cat /etc/redhat-release
      Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.9 (Maipo)

      $ ip l show dev eth0
      2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
      link/ether 56:6f:c1:3e:00:0c brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

      $ sudo nmcli con add type vlan con-name vlan1234 ifname vlan1234 dev eth0 id 1234 connection.autoconnect no
      Connection 'vlan1234' (50da750d-dc73-4440-824a-fc8fba7cfe92) successfully added.

      $ sudo nmcli con up vlan1234

      sudo $ ip l show dev vlan1234
      8: vlan1234@eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
      link/ether 56:6f:c1:3e:00:0c brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

      DHCP Discover details:

      Message type: Boot Request (1)
      Hardware type: Ethernet (0x01)
      Hardware address length: 6
      Option: (53) DHCP Message Type (Discover)
      Length: 1
      DHCP: Discover (1)
      Option: (12) Host Name
      Length: 3
      Host Name: v79
      Option: (55) Parameter Request List
      Length: 19
      Parameter Request List Item: (1) Subnet Mask
      Option: (255) End
      Option End: 255
      Padding: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

      3. Recreate the interface, or install RHEL8 on the same machine:

      DHCP Discover details:

      Message type: Boot Request (1)
      Hardware type: Ethernet (0x01)
      Hardware address length: 6
      Option: (53) DHCP Message Type (Discover)
      Length: 1
      DHCP: Discover (1)
      Option: (61) Client identifier
      Length: 7
      Hardware type: Ethernet (0x01)
      Option: (55) Parameter Request List
      Length: 18
      Parameter Request List Item: (1) Subnet Mask
      Option: (57) Maximum DHCP Message Size
      Length: 2
      Maximum DHCP Message Size: 576
      Option: (12) Host Name
      Length: 3
      Host Name: v81
      Option: (255) End
      Option End: 255

      NOTE: dnsmasq in this case seems smart (or buggy?) enough to provide
      the same lease for the same MAC address even when the second request
      includes a client-identifier.

      Actual results:

      Option 61 / client identifier is always sent

      Expected results:

      The `internal` DHCP client should have an option to avoid sending Option
      61 / client identifier.

      Additional info:

      The ISC DHCP client development has ended as of 2022 [1]:

      ISC has ended development on the ISC DHCP client as of early 2022. This
      client implementation is no longer maintained and should not be used in
      production any longer.

      While I see `dhclient` still available on RHEL9, my understanding is
      that it will be eventually deprecated and removed.

      While this behavior of the DHCP server doesn't seem to reproduce on
      all DHCP servers, I think it's reasonable to have an option to
      instruct the `internal` DHCP client to avoid sending option 61.

      According to RFC2131 [2], a "client-identifier" is not mandatory:

      DHCP defines a new 'client identifier' option that is used to pass an
      explicit client identifier to a DHCP server. This change eliminates
      the overloading of the 'chaddr' field in BOOTP messages, where
      'chaddr' is used both as a hardware address for transmission of BOOTP
      reply messages and as a client identifier. The 'client identifier'
      is an opaque key, not to be interpreted by the server; for example,
      the 'client identifier' may contain a hardware address, identical to
      the contents of the 'chaddr' field, or it may contain another type of
      identifier, such as a DNS name. The 'client identifier' chosen by a
      DHCP client MUST be unique to that client within the subnet to which
      the client is attached. If the client uses a 'client identifier' in
      one message, it MUST use that same identifier in all subsequent
      messages, to ensure that all servers correctly identify the client.

      However RFC4361 [3] superseding RFC2131 in section 6.1 seems to suggest
      that DHCPv4 clients conforming RFC4361 must send a client-identifier:

      DHCPv4 clients MUST send a 'client
      identifier' option containing an Identity Association Unique
      Identifier, as defined in section 10 of RFC 3315, and a DHCP Unique
      Identifier, as defined in section 9 of RFC 3315. These together
      constitute an RFC 3315-style binding identifier.

      Later on the same document states the following change from RFC2131:

      "The client MUST explicitly provide a client
      identifier through the 'client identifier' option. The client MUST
      use the same 'client identifier' option for all messages."

      • Summary:

      While it seems that DHCPv4 clients strictly following RFC4361 must
      provide a "client-identifier" via option 61, this seems to
      break previous leases obtained via RFC2131 DHCPv4 clients on certain
      environments/DHCP servers when the DHCP client software is updated.

      I think it's reasonable to have an option so the user can control
      whether the "client-identifier" field is sent. This would make the
      transition to more recent RHEL releases smoother.

      [1] https://www.isc.org/dhcp/
      [2] RFC2131 https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2131
      [3] RFC4361 https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4361

            ihuguet@redhat.com Inigo Huguet
            rhn-support-juasanch Juanma Sanchez
            Jan Fiala
            Network Management Team Network Management Team
            Vladimir Benes Vladimir Benes
            Mayur Patil Mayur Patil
            0 Vote for this issue
            16 Start watching this issue
