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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-1425

[RFE] Support SRIOV VLAN 802.1ad tagging

    • nmstate-2.2.22-1.el9
    • ZStream
    • 1
    • sst_network_management
    • ssg_networking
    • 20
    • 3
    • False
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    • Yes
    • NMT - RHEL 8.10/9.4 DTM 18-20
    • Approved Blocker
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      User story:

      As a system administrator managing OpenShift baremetal deployments,

      I want to use the Nmstate tool to configure VLAN 802.1ad tagging seamlessly,

      So that I can better support and optimize SR-IOV enabled workloads, taking full advantage of the capabilities introduced in NetworkManager version 1.42 within RHEL 9.2.

      Acceptance criteria:

      Given a system administrator using a RHEL system and SR-IOV is enabled and properly configured on their OpenShift baremetal deployment,

      When the system administrator attempts to configure VLAN 802.1ad tagging using Nmstate,

      Then Nmstate should correctly configure and activate 802.1ad tagging without errors,

      and SR-IOV enabled workloads should operate as expected on the OpenShift baremetal deployment with the 802.1ad VLAN tagging in effect.

      Definition of Done

      • The implementation meets the acceptance criteria
      • Unit tests and integration tests are written and passed
      • The code is part of a build attached to an errata
      • The fix is backported to RHEL-9.2.0
      User story : As a system administrator managing OpenShift baremetal deployments, I want to use the Nmstate tool to configure VLAN 802.1ad tagging seamlessly, So that I can better support and optimize SR-IOV enabled workloads, taking full advantage of the capabilities introduced in NetworkManager version 1.42 within RHEL 9.2. Acceptance criteria: Given a system administrator using a RHEL system and SR-IOV is enabled and properly configured on their OpenShift baremetal deployment, When the system administrator attempts to configure VLAN 802.1ad tagging using Nmstate, Then Nmstate should correctly configure and activate 802.1ad tagging without errors, and SR-IOV enabled workloads should operate as expected on the OpenShift baremetal deployment with the 802.1ad VLAN tagging in effect. Definition of Done The implementation meets the acceptance criteria Unit tests and integration tests are written and passed The code is part of a build attached to an errata The fix is backported to RHEL-9.2.0  
    • Pass
    • Automated
    • Enhancement
    • Hide
      .The Nmstate API now supports SR-IOV VLAN 802.1ad tagging

      With this enhancement, you can now use the Nmstate API to enable hardware-accelerated Single-Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) 802.1ad tagging on cards whose firmware supports this feature.
      .The Nmstate API now supports SR-IOV VLAN 802.1ad tagging With this enhancement, you can now use the Nmstate API to enable hardware-accelerated Single-Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) 802.1ad tagging on cards whose firmware supports this feature.
    • Done
    • None

      Nmstate supports SRIOV 802.1Q but lacks support for 802.1ad. NetworkManager added 802.1ad support in version 1.42 and it is included since RHEL 9.2 (BZ 2128809).

      The main motivation for opening this RFE is support for SR-IOV enabled workloads on OpenShift baremetal deployments.

            fge@redhat.com Gris Ge
            carlosgoncalves Carlos Goncalves
            Marcelo Guerrero Viveros Marcelo Guerrero Viveros
            Mingyu Shi Mingyu Shi
            Marc Muehlfeld Marc Muehlfeld
            0 Vote for this issue
            15 Start watching this issue
