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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-14097

Add official support for Virt on ARM

    • Add official support for Virt on ARM
    • sst_virtualization
    • ssg_virtualization
    • 13
    • False
    • Hide




      As a customer I want KVM on ARM to be officially supported by Red Hat.  That implies that the devel team should perform process compliant activities to ensure certain level of quality for common feature set

      Acceptance Criteria

      A list of specific needs or objectives must be delivered to satisfy the epic.

      • Create a document containing a feature list of KVM-ARM (event. parity with x86)
      • Identify milestones, set target dates for individual milestones.
      • Organize creation of testing strategy and plans
      • Orchestrate execution of testing strategy and plans
      • Identify required interactions  with GSS and CEE

      What SSTs and Layered Product teams should review this?


            rh-ee-alougovs Alexander Lougovski
            rh-ee-alougovs Alexander Lougovski
            Eric Auger, Jan Richter, Jiří Herrmann, Li Jin
            Li Jin Li Jin
            Jiří Herrmann Jiří Herrmann
            0 Vote for this issue
            10 Start watching this issue
