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  1. RHEL
  2. RHEL-11366

[virtual network][windows]Sometimes windows guest can not get ip after the disable&enable interface

    • None
    • sst_virtualization_windows
    • ssg_virtualization
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      .Windows VM fails to get IP address after network interface reset

      Sometimes, Windows virtual machines fail to get an IP address after an automatic network interface reset. As a consequence, the VM fails to connect to the network. To work around this problem, disable and re-enable the network adapter driver in the Windows Device Manager.
      .Windows VM fails to get IP address after network interface reset Sometimes, Windows virtual machines fail to get an IP address after an automatic network interface reset. As a consequence, the VM fails to connect to the network. To work around this problem, disable and re-enable the network adapter driver in the Windows Device Manager.
    • Done
    • Unspecified
    • Windows
    • None

      Description of problem:
      Sometimes windows guest can not get ip after the disable&enable interface.
      This problem only occurs occasionally, but the current case has a higher chance of reproducee. Also, the problem can only be reproduced with auto. So far, QE has not been able to reproduce this issue manually.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1.Boot a windows guest
      /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm \
      -name 'avocado-vt-vm1' \
      -sandbox on \
      -machine q35,memory-backend=mem-machine_mem \
      -device pcie-root-port,id=pcie-root-port-0,multifunction=on,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x1,chassis=1 \
      -device pcie-pci-bridge,id=pcie-pci-bridge-0,addr=0x0,bus=pcie-root-port-0 \
      -nodefaults \
      -device VGA,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x2 \
      -m 7168 \
      -object memory-backend-ram,size=7168M,id=mem-machine_mem \
      -smp 6,maxcpus=6,cores=3,threads=1,dies=1,sockets=2 \
      -cpu 'Haswell-noTSX-IBRS',vme=on,ss=on,vmx=on,pdcm=on,f16c=on,rdrand=on,hypervisor=on,arat=on,tsc-adjust=on,umip=on,md-clear=on,stibp=on,arch-capabilities=on,ssbd=on,xsaveopt=on,pdpe1gb=on,abm=on,ibpb=on,ibrs=on,amd-stibp=on,amd-ssbd=on,skip-l1dfl-vmentry=on,pschange-mc-no=on,hv_stimer,hv_synic,hv_vpindex,hv_relaxed,hv_spinlocks=0x1fff,hv_vapic,hv_time,hv_frequencies,hv_runtime,hv_tlbflush,hv_reenlightenment,hv_stimer_direct,hv_ipi,kvm_pv_unhalt=on \
      -device pcie-root-port,id=pcie-root-port-1,port=0x1,addr=0x1.0x1,bus=pcie.0,chassis=2 \
      -device qemu-xhci,id=usb1,bus=pcie-root-port-1,addr=0x0 \
      -device usb-tablet,id=usb-tablet1,bus=usb1.0,port=1 \
      -device pcie-root-port,id=pcie-root-port-2,port=0x2,addr=0x1.0x2,bus=pcie.0,chassis=3 \
      -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=virtio_scsi_pci0,bus=pcie-root-port-2,addr=0x0 \
      -blockdev node-name=file_image1,driver=file,auto-read-only=on,discard=unmap,aio=threads,filename=/root/avocado/data/avocado-vt/vl_avocado-vt-vm1_image1.qcow2,cache.direct=on,cache.no-flush=off \
      -blockdev node-name=drive_image1,driver=qcow2,read-only=off,cache.direct=on,cache.no-flush=off,file=file_image1 \
      -device scsi-hd,id=image1,drive=drive_image1,write-cache=on \
      -device pcie-root-port,id=pcie-root-port-3,port=0x3,addr=0x1.0x3,bus=pcie.0,chassis=4 \
      -device virtio-net-pci,ctrl_mac_addr=off,mac=9a:56:ac:fc:24:87,id=idtJYgks,mq=on,vectors=10,netdev=idrLM4I1,bus=pcie-root-port-3,addr=0x0 \
      -netdev tap,id=idrLM4I1,vhost=on,queues=4 \
      -blockdev node-name=file_cd1,driver=file,auto-read-only=on,discard=unmap,aio=threads,filename=/home/kvm_autotest_root/iso/windows/winutils.iso,cache.direct=on,cache.no-flush=off \
      -blockdev node-name=drive_cd1,driver=raw,read-only=on,cache.direct=on,cache.no-flush=off,file=file_cd1 \
      -device scsi-cd,id=cd1,drive=drive_cd1,write-cache=on \
      -vnc :0 \
      -rtc base=localtime,clock=host,driftfix=slew \
      -boot menu=off,order=cdn,once=c,strict=off \
      -enable-kvm \
      -device pcie-root-port,id=pcie_extra_root_port_0,multifunction=on,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x3,chassis=5 \
      -monitor stdio \

      2.Changing MAC address to 9a:56:ac:fc:24:88
      reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0001 /v NetworkAddress /d 9a56acfc2488 /f

      3.Verify the new mac address, and restart the network, nic can not get ip adress
      netsh interface set interface name="Ethernet Instance 0" admin=DISABLED
      netsh interface set interface name="Ethernet Instance 0" admin=ENABLED

      C:\Windows\system32> ipconfig /all

      Windows IP Configuration

      Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : WIN-OEEN089EBML
      Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :

      Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
      IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No

      WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No


      Actual results:
      Sometimes windows guest can not get ip after the disable&enable interface

      Expected results:
      Get ip address

      Additional info:

            yuri.benditovich Yuri Benditovich
            rhn-support-leiyang Lei Yang
            virt-maint virt-maint
            Lei Yang Lei Yang
            Parth Shah Parth Shah
            0 Vote for this issue
            17 Start watching this issue
