Resolution: Done
https://github.com/jboss-container-images/rhdm-7-openshift-image/pull/52, https://github.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-kie-modules/pull/37, https://github.com/jboss-container-images/rhdm-7-openshift-image/pull/56, https://github.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-kie-modules/pull/45, https://github.com/jboss-container-images/rhdm-7-openshift-image/pull/69
2018 Week 27-29, 2018 Week 30-32, 2018 Week 33-35, 2018 Week 36-38
The following two configuration options need to be added:
1- Regardless of whether a KIE server is an immutable image built with s2i or however else configured, the KIE containers can always be undeployed and otherwise managed. To prevent this, the kieserver image needs to support a KIE_SERVER_MGMT_DISABLED environment variable and use it to set org.kie.server.mgmt.api.disabled. When set, KIE Server will disable management api and respond with an HTTP 400 error code to any management request, including those attempting to deploy or undeploy a KIE container. This variable should be exposed as a template parameter, and should default to true (disable) for s2i templates.
2- When a controller is configured, it becomes a hard dependency of the KIE server and a start or restart of a KIE server pod is not possible without it. Configuring a controller is a requirement for monitoring a KIE server. This should be exposed as an environment variable in the KIE server image and a template parameter,.