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  1. Red Hat Decision Manager
  2. RHDM-1945

unexpected rule fires after upgrading from 7.10.1 to 7.12.1 when capitalized property is updated in modify block


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      run script 'run_mvn' within attached project.

      ##### insert fact: TestInterface [caseNo=Case1, rulesList=[]]
      ***** start
      ▼▼▼ Rule [Create_input_data] fires!!!
          insert temp :TempObject [caseNo=Case1, targetObjList=[TargetObject [caseNo=Case1, id = 1, objList=[]]]]
          insert target :TargetObject [caseNo=Case1, id = 1, objList=[]]
      ▼▼▼ Rule [Expected_Results] fires!!!
      ▼▼▼ Rule [Target_Rule] fires!!!
      ▼▼▼ Rule [Expected_Results] fires!!!
      ***** end
      ##### result number of rules executed: 4

      Rule Expected_Results is executed twice and rulles fire 4 times in total (which should be 3.

      If executable model is used (i.e. -DgenerateModel=YES), Rule Expected_Results will be executed only once.

      When activate the following line in run_mvn to run it with 7.10.1, rules fires only 3 times.

      BA_VERSIONS="-Dba.bom.version=7.10.1.redhat-00001 -Dba.library.version=7.48.0.Final-redhat-00006"
      run script 'run_mvn' within attached project. ##### insert fact: TestInterface [caseNo=Case1, rulesList=[]] ***** start ▼▼▼ Rule [Create_input_data] fires!!! insert temp :TempObject [caseNo=Case1, targetObjList=[TargetObject [caseNo=Case1, id = 1, objList=[]]]] insert target :TargetObject [caseNo=Case1, id = 1, objList=[]] ▼▼▼ Rule [Expected_Results] fires!!! ▼▼▼ Rule [Target_Rule] fires!!! ▼▼▼ Rule [Expected_Results] fires!!! ***** end ##### result number of rules executed: 4 Rule Expected_Results is executed twice and rulles fire 4 times in total (which should be 3. If executable model is used (i.e. -DgenerateModel=YES), Rule Expected_Results will be executed only once. When activate the following line in run_mvn to run it with 7.10.1, rules fires only 3 times. BA_VERSIONS= "-Dba.bom.version=7.10.1.redhat-00001 -Dba.library.version=7.48.0.Final-redhat-00006"
    • 2022 Week 44-46 (from Oct 31)

      After upgrading RHDM from 7.10.1 to 7.12.1, when using non-executable model, if the capitalized property is updated in modify block of RHS, it behaves as class reactive and then unexpected rules gets executed.

      Here are example rule which caused the issue.

      rule "Target_Rule"
                      $temp : TempObject(id == "1", $id : id, $MyList : MyList)
      		$target : TargetObject(id == $id) 
      			MyList = $MyList;
      		System.out.println("▼▼▼ Rule [Target_Rule] fires!!!");

      This is caused by RHDM-1639 which is fixed in 7.11.0.
      In addition, this does not happen when using executable-model.

              rhn-support-tkobayas Toshiya Kobayashi
              rhn-support-hmiura Hiroko Miura
              Daniel Rosa Daniel Rosa
              Daniel Rosa Daniel Rosa
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
