After upgrading to 7.8.0, building kieBase fails with the following exception.
org.apache.poi.ooxml.POIXMLException: Zip bomb detected! The file would exceed the max. ratio of compressed file size to the size of the expanded data. This may indicate that the file is used to inflate memory usage and thus could pose a security risk. You can adjust this limit via ZipSecureFile.setMinInflateRatio() if you need to work with files which exceed this limit. Uncompressed size: 359166, Raw/compressed size: 3584, ratio: 0.009979 Limits: MIN_INFLATE_RATIO: 0.010000, Entry: xl/styles.xml
Building kjar by kie-mvn-plugin fails as well.
This is due to upgrade of Apache POI version to 4.1.2.
Please provide the option to configure this limit.