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  1. Red Hat Decision Manager
  2. RHDM-1453

DMN editor reporting unsaved changes in DMN files after no changes


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 7.9.1.GA
    • 7.9.0.GA
    • Decision Central, DMN
    • None

      For files that were created prior to the marshaller related changes in connection with BAPL-990, the following issue appears.

      When user opens DMN file in Business Central and wants to close right away the editor reports unsaved changes in the file.

      The dirty status does NOT go away when:

      1. Save editor
      2. close editor
      3. reopen asset
      4. try to close
      5. unsaved changes dialog appears again

      In git repo no commits are present for such a workaround, but UI claims it saved the file successfully.

      The issue does not go away even if user changes the DMN file in editor (e.g. moves element), saves, reopens - the dialog is there still.

      To help investigating the source of 'dirty' status, the following changes are among those reported:

      • File is formatted as a single line, formatting is lost.
      • several extension elements added throughout the file
        • <dmn:extensionElements/>
        • <dmn:annotationEntry><dmn:text></dmn:text></dmn:annotationEntry>
      • DMNDiagram element changed
        • <dmndi:DMNDiagram id="_35222599-DFBA-45E1-9A18-4C93A7C7EB5E" name="DRG">
      • Ids of existing elements are changed in following manner
        • <dmndi:DMNEdge id="dmnedge-drg-_A90E1697-064C-417B-AC28-C2C9A84A4410"
      • Order of some edges changed (contents unchanged)
        • original
          •  <dmndi:DMNEdge id="dmnedge-_0250B21A-09CA-401A-877A-EAFA235C6176" dmnElementRef="_0250B21A-09CA-401A-877A-EAFA235C6176">
            <di:waypoint x="316" y="310.5"/>
            <di:waypoint x="709" y="311"/>
            <dmndi:DMNEdge id="dmnedge-_5FC19A42-4738-445E-A329-7C2270536B23" dmnElementRef="_5FC19A42-4738-445E-A329-7C2270536B23">
            <di:waypoint x="747.2990654205607" y="481"/>
            <di:waypoint x="887" y="311"/>
        • new
          • <dmndi:DMNEdge id="dmnedge-drg-_5FC19A42-4738-445E-A329-7C2270536B23" dmnElementRef="_5FC19A42-4738-445E-A329-7C2270536B23"><di:waypoint x="747.2990654205607" y="481"/><di:waypoint x="887" y="311"/></dmndi:DMNEdge><dmndi:DMNEdge id="dmnedge-drg-_0250B21A-09CA-401A-877A-EAFA235C6176" dmnElementRef="_0250B21A-09CA-401A-877A-EAFA235C6176"><di:waypoint x="316" y="310.5"/><di:waypoint x="709" y="311"/></dmndi:DMNEdge>


              vpellegr Valentino Pellegrino (Inactive)
              jstastny@redhat.com Jan Stastny
              Jan Stastny Jan Stastny
              Jan Stastny Jan Stastny
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
