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  1. Red Hat Decision Manager
  2. RHDM-1403

ArrayStoreException when using project that includes spring-boot-starter-web


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Not a Bug
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 7.7.1.GA
    • None
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      I have not found a workaround yet.

      The customer is using OpenAPI to generate the model that will be used to accept requests to DM. OpenAPI appears to rely on spring-web. 

      It looks like it has something to do with a missing class but I haven't figured out which one yet



      I have not found a workaround yet. The customer is using OpenAPI to generate the model that will be used to accept requests to DM. OpenAPI appears to rely on spring-web.  It looks like it has something to do with a missing class but I haven't figured out which one yet https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24352967/spring-boot-errorjava-lang-arraystoreexception-sun-reflect-annotation-typenotp https://topic.alibabacloud.com/a/deep-spring-boot-how-to-troubleshoot-javalangarraystoreexception_1_27_20183659.html
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      Create a new RHDM and KIE server on eap 7.2

      Create a new blank maven project and add the dependency org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web:2.1.6.RELEASE (project-with-springweb.zip attached)

      Build and install the maven project to your local repo

      Create a new project in RHDM and add the maven project to it as a dependency (blank-rhdm-project.zip attached)

      Build and deploy the project

      send a request to the container instance (exampleRequest.txt attached)


      see error in response and in server log (server.log attached)

      Create a new RHDM and KIE server on eap 7.2 Create a new blank maven project and add the dependency org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web:2.1.6.RELEASE (project-with-springweb.zip attached) Build and install the maven project to your local repo Create a new project in RHDM and add the maven project to it as a dependency (blank-rhdm-project.zip attached) Build and deploy the project send a request to the container instance (exampleRequest.txt attached)   see error in response and in server log (server.log attached)
    • 2021 Week 07-09 (from Feb 15)

      When creating a blank project and adding a dependency that includes [spring boot starter web|https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-web/2.1.6.RELEASE], kie-server presents the exception org.jboss.resteasy.spi.UnhandledException: java.lang.ArrayStoreException

        1. blank-rhdm-project.zip
          32 kB
        2. depInRHDM.PNG
          11 kB
        3. depPom.PNG
          25 kB
        4. exampleRequest.txt
          0.4 kB
        5. project-with-springweb.zip
          1 kB
        6. server.log
          1.40 MB

              elguardian@gmail.com Enrique González Martínez (Inactive)
              myarbrou@redhat.com Michael Yarbrough (Inactive)
              Jan Stastny Jan Stastny
              Jan Stastny Jan Stastny
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
