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  1. Red Hat Decision Manager
  2. RHDM-1370

The collect/accumulate function with expired event is sensible to the order of inserted events


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Not a Bug
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 7.8.0.GA
    • 7.7.1.GA
    • BRE
    • None
    • CR1
    • 2020 Week 22-24 (from May 25)

      If the function collect/accumulate is used in the beta node(left constraint) with expired event, it's sensible to the order of events being inserted, which should not. This issue didn't happen in bpms 6.4. It occurs in rhdm 7.x.
      For example:

      "import " + DummyEvent.class.getCanonicalName() + "\n" +
      "import " + OtherEvent.class.getCanonicalName() + "\n" +
      "import " + HashSet.class.getCanonicalName() + "\n" +
      "declare DummyEvent " +
      "@role( event ) " +
      "@timestamp( eventTimestamp )\n" +
      "@expires(0ms)" +
      "end\n" +
      "declare OtherEvent " +
      "@role( event ) " +
      "@timestamp( eventTimestamp )" +
      "@expires(2d)" +
      "end\n" +
      "rule R0 when\n" +
      " $d: OtherEvent() \n" +
      " $r: HashSet ( size >= 2 ) from collect (DummyEvent())\n" +
      "then\n" +
      " System.out.println(\"R0 Fired\");" +

      If you insert events like:
      ksession.insert( other);
      ksession.insert( dummyEvent0 );
      ksession.insert( dummyEvent1);

      The rule gets fired. But if you inserts the events like:

      ksession.insert( dummyEvent0 );
      ksession.insert( other);
      ksession.insert( dummyEvent1);

      The rule doesn't get fired.

              mfusco@redhat.com Mario Fusco
              rhn-support-ghu Gary Hu
              Daniel Rosa Daniel Rosa
              Daniel Rosa Daniel Rosa
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
