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  1. Red Hat Decision Manager
  2. RHDM-1368

Date field in Guided rule template is not displaying correct date


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      1) Start the RHDM instance with a different time zone for JVM. Use a different timezone for JVM as compared to your system time zone.

      /standalone.sh -c standalone-full.xml -Duser.timezone=America/Sao_Paulo

      2) Import the attached project.

      3) Open Guide rule template asset (guidedrulewithdate).

      4) Go to the "Data" tab.

      5) Select any date from the calendar in "$date" column. You would see previous day's date.

      6) You will see correct date if you go to the source tab.

      1) Start the RHDM instance with a different time zone for JVM. Use a different timezone for JVM as compared to your system time zone. /standalone.sh -c standalone-full.xml -Duser.timezone=America/Sao_Paulo 2) Import the attached project. 3) Open Guide rule template asset (guidedrulewithdate). 4) Go to the "Data" tab. 5) Select any date from the calendar in "$date" column. You would see previous day's date. 6) You will see correct date if you go to the source tab.
    • 2020 Week 28-30 (from Jul 6), 2020 Week 31-33 (from Jul 27)

      Date filed in the Data tab of guided rule template editor is showing the previous day's date if the system time zone and JVM timezone are different.

      The source tab is showing the correct date which was selected.

      For eg -: If the customer picks a date – May 29, 2020. in the column, it shows 05-28-2020 which is the previous date. If you look in the 'Source' tab it displays the correct date. This causes confusion for business users.

      Attached reproducer.

        1. DataTab.png
          25 kB
          Sudhish Nair
        2. SourceTab.png
          36 kB
          Sudhish Nair

              trikkola Toni Rikkola
              rhn-support-sudnair Sudhish Nair
              Jozef Marko Jozef Marko
              Jozef Marko Jozef Marko
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