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  1. Red Hat Decision Manager
  2. RHDM-1153

Scenario Simulation shows misleading data type if DMN applies a constraint


    • 3
    • Release Notes
    • CR1
    • If DMN data type has a constraint over some field, then the data type of the field in not shown correctly to the user of Scenario and Simulation editor.
    • Hide
      1. Open an existing DMN file
      2. Add new structure, for example Vacation
      3. Add new field to Vacation, for example Price of type number
      4. Start edit Price field, click Add Constraints, fill some constraints for the Price
      5. Save all changes of the DMN file save and close it
      6. Create new Test Scenario for the previously used DMN
      7. Pick some column, expand the right site panel, pick Test Tools dock
      8. You will notice incorrect Price data type
      Open an existing DMN file Add new structure, for example Vacation Add new field to Vacation , for example Price of type number Start edit Price field, click Add Constraints , fill some constraints for the Price Save all changes of the DMN file save and close it Create new Test Scenario for the previously used DMN Pick some column, expand the right site panel, pick Test Tools dock You will notice incorrect Price data type
    • 2020 Week 19-21 (from May 4), 2020 Week 22-24 (from May 25), 2020 Week 25-27 (from Jun 15), 2020 Week 28-30 (from Jul 6), 2020 Week 31-33 (from Jul 27), 2020 Week 34-36 (from Aug 17)

      User has possibility to declare custom DMN data types. Furthermore such data types can apply a constraint to it. For example user can restrict a number to smaller range of values. The issue is a Scenario Simulation designer then shows a misleading data type in the UI.

      In the attached screenshots we have DMN Vacation data type, with a constraint over money field. Then in Scenario Simulation the data type if this field is money instead of number.

              yamer@redhat.com Yeser Amer
              rh-ee-jomarko Jozef Marko
              Jan Stastny Jan Stastny
              Jan Stastny Jan Stastny
              1 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue
