Create two folders named machine1 and machine2, to simulate two different envs. Create a maven folder to be used by each of them:
mkdir machine1/maven
mkdir machine2/maven
Install EAP 7.2.0 on both
unzip ~/opt/clean/ -d machine1
unzip ~/opt/clean/ -d machine2
Unzip offline maven repo of 7.4.0 in machine1 and machine2
unzip ~/opt/clean/ -d machine1/maven/
unzip ~/opt/clean/ -d machine2/maven/}}
Install *Decision Central on machine1:*
unzip ~/opt/clean/ -d machine1/
Configure offset port in files of decision-central.war in machine1:
vim machine1/jboss-eap-7.2/standalone/deployments/decision-central.war/WEB-INF/classes/
vim machine1/jboss-eap-7.2/standalone/deployments/decision-central.war/WEB-INF/classes/
Install Decision Server on machine2:
unzip ~/opt/clean/ -d machine2/jboss-eap-7.2/standalone/deployments/
Download attached zips and extracted them respectively inside machine1 and machine1. It contains the settings.xml file along with the standalone-full.xml and files.*
attached folder structure from machine1 and machine2 to facilitate the reproducer.
○ → tree -a machine1-files/
├── jboss-eap-7.2
│ └── standalone
│ └── configuration
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └── standalone-full.xml
├── maven
│ └── jboss-rhba-7.4.0.GA-maven-repository
│ └── settings.xml
└── niogit
6 directories, 4 files
Start Decision Central:
machine1/jboss-eap-7.2/bin/ -c standalone-full.xml -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100
Start Decision Server:
machine2/jboss-eap-7.2/bin/ -c standalone-full.xml
User: rhdmadmin / rhdmadmin@1
Create an empty project in Workbench, deploy it into connected Kie server.
Error is thrown and Kie server doesn't resolve container.