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  1. Red Hat Decision Manager
  2. RHDM-103

Cannot start container on Kie Server if it contains decision table with org.optaplanner.workbench.screens.guidedrule.model.ActionSimpleConstraintMatch


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 7.0.0.LA, 7.0.0
    • 7.0.0
    • Decision Central
    • None
    • ER2
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      1. Import dinnerparty example.
      2. Open NeighborTable decision table.
      3. Edit Score impact action column and replace the free-form score modification with the dedicated BRL action (Modify Simple Score, use @{$scoreImpact} as the value).
      4. Save the changes, close and click Build & Deploy.

      Container will deploy successfully (green notification) followed by a start failure (light red notification). Exception is logged in server log.

      Import dinnerparty example. Open NeighborTable decision table. Edit Score impact action column and replace the free-form score modification with the dedicated BRL action (Modify Simple Score, use @{$scoreImpact } as the value). Save the changes, close and click Build & Deploy. Container will deploy successfully (green notification) followed by a start failure (light red notification). Exception is logged in server log.
    • 2017 Week 36-37, 2017 Week 38-39, 2017 Week 40-41-42

      When using a guided decision table for score calculation by having an action column with "Modify * Score" BRL fragment, it will cause the Kie container start to fail on Kie server. The start fails with an XStream exception:

      17:52:23,455 ERROR [org.kie.server.services.impl.KieServerImpl] (default task-66) Error creating container 'dinnerparty_1.0.0-SNAPSHOT' for module 'dinnerparty:dinnerparty:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT': com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException: 
      ---- Debugging information ----
      cause-exception     : com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.CannotResolveClassException
      cause-message       : org.optaplanner.workbench.screens.guidedrule.model.ActionSimpleConstraintMatch
      class               : java.util.ArrayList
      required-type       : java.util.ArrayList
      converter-type      : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter
      path                : /decision-table52/actionCols/org.drools.workbench.models.guided.dtable.shared.model.BRLActionColumn/definition/org.optaplanner.workbench.screens.guidedrule.model.ActionSimpleConstraintMatch
      class[1]            : org.drools.workbench.models.guided.dtable.shared.model.BRLActionColumn
      converter-type[1]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter
      class[2]            : org.drools.workbench.models.guided.dtable.shared.model.GuidedDecisionTable52
      version             : 1.4.9

              mcimbora_jira Matej Čimbora (Inactive)
              jlocker Jiří Locker (Inactive)
              Jiří Locker Jiří Locker (Inactive)
              Jiří Locker Jiří Locker (Inactive)
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