Resolution: Unresolved
Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.), User Experience
Epic Goal
- R&D on pruner based on its own reconciler to have better overall performance.
- We can also try if we can remove cronjob and perform pruning from reconciler itself (if we are not over killing operator)
Why is this important?
- With initial implementation there were n number of containers created for n namespaces, which was resource heavy and made the overall cluster slow.
- This got better with fix (https://github.com/tektoncd/operator/pull/805) where we spawn one container to run all the pruning commands.
- We need to figure out if there are other way to make it better.
Acceptance Criteria (Mandatory)
- Pruning based on reconciler if its faster and handle complex configurations.
Previous Story : https://issues.redhat.com/browse/SRVKP-2159
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SRVKP-2622 Reconciler and Controller based pruner for better performance - Tech Preview
- To Do
- documents
SRVKP-2622 Reconciler and Controller based pruner for better performance - Tech Preview
- To Do