Resolution: Done
devex docs #249 Nov 16-Dec 7
Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.), User Experience
Story (Required)
As a user trying to do `/retest` for push triggered failed job, so that it all the failed jobs on push for a specific merge pr.
Background (Required)
<Describes the context or background related to this story>
Out of scope
<Defines what is not included in this story>
Approach (Required)
<Description of the general technical path on how to achieve the goal of the story. Include details like json schema, class definitions>
<Describes what this story depends on. Dependent Stories and EPICs should be linked to the story.>
Acceptance Criteria (Mandatory)
<Describe edge cases to consider when implementing the story and defining tests>
<Provides a required and minimum list of acceptance tests for this story. More is expected as the engineer implements this story>
INVEST Checklist
Dependencies identified
Blockers noted and expected delivery timelines set
Design is implementable
Acceptance criteria agreed upon
Story estimated
Done Checklist
- Code is completed, reviewed, documented and checked in
- Unit and integration test automation have been delivered and running cleanly in continuous integration/staging/canary environment
- Continuous Delivery pipeline(s) is able to proceed with new code included
- Customer facing documentation, API docs etc. are produced/updated, reviewed and published
- Acceptance criteria are met
- clones
SRVKP-3384 support "/retest" for pipelineRuns triggered on push event
- Verified
- documents
SRVKP-3384 support "/retest" for pipelineRuns triggered on push event
- Verified
- links to