Resolution: Done
Simplified docs release procedure for 2.25.0: # In downstream repository, publication branches are ready. Pantheon is already configured.
- In #crc-release Slack channel: you will receive release notes information (component versions + notable changes).
- In downstream repository: Edit content directly in the branch. Consider editing directly in Gitlab. https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/red-hat-developers-documentation/openshift-local-documentation/-/branches
- Edit OpenShift, Podman, and MicroShift versions in the attributes.adoc file in [...]/openshift-local-2.25-stage/docs/shared/attributes.adoc
- Add release notes items in [...]openshift-local-2.25-stage/docs/release_notes/modules/release_notes/partials/notable_changes.adoc
- In Gitlab: wait for branch pipelines to succeed.
- In Pantheon: wait for build (or force a rebuild to speed up things), test.
- In #crc-release Slack channel: notify that docs are ready to publish + stage version URL.
- In #crc-release Slack channel: wait for go live by engineers.
- In Pantheon: publish (the right version).
- clones
RHDEVDOCS-5521 Release OpenShift Local 2.24 docs
- Closed