Resolution: Done
Dev Spaces 3.6
devex docs #234 Mar 30-Apr 6, devex docs #235 Apr 6-Apr 20, devex docs #236 Apr 20-May 4, devex docs #237 May 4-May 18
Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.)
As suggested by Artem in https://github.com/eclipse-che/che-docs/pull/2552/files#r1123489228
- Consider splitting it into two == concept subsections.
- To be clarified with Artem if these are defaults or examples or defaults as examples.
- Different files must be pointed to in the downstream and their hosting is to be confirmed by Robert.
Check if that's the right place to add (the second ul item):
(and link to the other?)
– This requires updating two separate, parallel files: the upstream file and the downstream file.
- is caused by
RHDEVDOCS-4789 Improve the sections about editors
- Closed
- links to