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  1. Docs for Red Hat Developers
  2. RHDEVDOCS-4980

[RN] Documentation about the flag scope-when-expressions-to-task is wrong


      In "Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines release notes", pipeline section is reported:

      With this update, the when expressions in a Task object are scoped to guard the tasks by default. To continue guarding the Task object and its dependent tasks, set the scope-when-expressions-to-task flag to true.

      but it is wrong. It should be something like:

      With this update, a new flag named scope-when-expressions-to-task has been added. The current behavior of the when expression in a Pipeline is to skip a Task and its dependent tasks when certain conditions aren't met. This behavior will change in future tekton releases and the scope of when expression will guard the Task only and not its dependent tasks. To enable the new behavior, set the scope-when-expressions-to-task flag to true.

              shipsing@redhat.com Shipra Singh
              rhn-support-dcommiss Domenico Commisso
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