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  1. Docs for Red Hat Developers
  2. RHDEVDOCS-4453

ODC 4.12 Release Notes, New features


    • devex docs #228 Nov 24-Dec 15, devex docs #229 Dec 15-Jan 5
    • 3
    • Undefined

      There is a "create release note for..." issue for each ODC epic we knew about and had created an issue for in our doc plan. The writer associate with the doc issue should create RN text for that engineering epic. 

      Process TBD:

      • I've asked Jai if we can use the release note text field on the engineering epic. This would allow us to do a query right on the doc plan to show all the RN text in one place. 
      • If for some reason that doesn't work, we can create a team google doc, attached to all the RN issues, where writers add their text. 
      • Regardless of where the text goes, it should be reviewed so it is ready for a PR. 
      • When the draft is provided and is ready for a PR, the epic-specific RN issues can be closed.
      • This 'new feature' RN issue is for adding all the RN text to a PR, checking with the team to be sure there are no other epics/issues that should also be given RN, and then getting the PR reviewed and merged. Work with Olivia Payne to be sure there is no risk of conflict and to ensure we are following proper process. 

      Original DevTools RN process information:

      Go through the Epic list, list out the key features and validate with Serena, Nimisha, Christian as to what needs to be called out for the release. This needs to be done for each release.

      The process:


      Generated RNs:


      Release notes status:


            rhn-support-ssiddhar Shreya Siddhartha
            cbremble@redhat.com Claire Bremble
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
