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  1. Docs for Red Hat Developers
  2. RHDEVDOCS-4280

Doc: Provide ability for admins to hide perspective




      1. Documentation should highlight both the form and CLI instructions. The user will be able to disable perspectives from both the console UI and from the CLI,
      2. I believe both the UI options and the CLI options for hiding perspective swill go in this topic: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.11/web_console/customizing-the-web-console.html Verify that this  topic is the correct target for updates with Christopher Jerolimov. 
      3. To disable the perspectives in the form view, the user will be able to navigate to the console's details page (/k8s/cluster/operator.openshift.io~v1~Console/cluster/) and click on an Actions drop-down menu to access an option that will lead them to the form for disabling perspectives.  To access this Actions menu,  I believe the user will go to the Administrator perspective, and click on Administration from the main navigation to access Cluster Settings. From this view, the user will find the Actions menu/ drop-down options on the Details page. After the user selects the option to access the form view, the user will see enabled and disabled perspective ids in the UI. 
      4. The API is still being worked on. You review progress here in this PR: https://github.com/openshift/enhancements/pull/1205
      5. Summary of input from Debsmita Santra: To disable from the CLI, the user will need to reference the "id" of the perspective that the user seeks to hide instead of "name"  The YAML editor will provide the cluster admin  a code snippet that highlights perepctive ids that can be changed. 




            shipsing@redhat.com Shipra Singh
            rhn-support-tshearon Tanya Shearon
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