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  1. Docs for Red Hat Developers
  2. RHDEVDOCS-4037

References to "Dev Spaces 2.15" should be fixed to refer to CRW 2.15




      There are some small bugs in the migration guide section of https://red-hat-developers-documentation.pages.redhat.com/red-hat-devtools/preview/navigating/devspaces-administration-guide/#upgrading-devspaces that discusses how to update from 2.15 to 3.0.

      • references to "Dev Spaces 2.15" don't make sense; this should be "CodeReady Workspaces 2.15"
      • "Upgrading OpenShift Dev Spaces 2.15 on OpenShift" seems redundant since there's only one supported platform... OpenShift.
      • in Procedure section, item 1, "and backup OpenShift Dev Spaces data. See Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces 2.15 - Backup and recovery." It should be noted that while you CAN back up your 2.15 instance, you can't recover it into 3.0. So I'm not sure there's a point in backing it up if you're moving to 3.0, unless you plan to re-deploy a 2.15 instance in future.
      • export PRODUCT_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME=codeready-workspaces might be incorrect, it's unclear as documented if this is the OLD subscription name or the new one.
      • description of the prepare.sh script is wrong. "Shuts down OpenShift Dev Spaces and RH-SSO, fetch users data and dumps OpenShift Dev Spaces database." Can't shut down and dump Dev Spaces, since Dev Spaces isn't installed: this should be CRW.
      • same poblem for descriptions of migrate and subscribe scripts: should be CRW, not Dev Spaces.
      • "An instance of OpenShift Dev Spaces 2.15 or earlier that was installed by using OperatorHub." Nope, there's no such thing. This should be CRW 2.15.
      • procedure #3: "Click Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces in the list of installed Operators." Same again, should be CRW.
      • same problem for the CLI upgrade steps, procedures 1 and 2.
      • dsc server:update --che-operator-image=<image-registry>/<organization>/crw-2-rhel8-operator:3.0 -n openshift-workspaces this won't work... I suspect you want /devspaces/devspaces-rhel8-operator:3.0

      So many places where a {prod-short-old} variable would be useful!




            ffloreth@redhat.com Fabrice Flore-Thébault
            nickboldt Nick Boldt
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