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  1. Docs for Red Hat Developers
  2. RHDEVDOCS-3910

[4.11] Topology Usability Improvements



      1. If a user deploys an application and a corresponding backing service, and attempts to bind the app-service, an error in the ServiceBindingRequest does not prevent the display of the connection in the Topology view, even though the service binding failed. The visual binding displayed in the Topolgy view, in the absence of an error propagated to the user in the UI may give the user the impression that the service binding was successful.
      2. we have a number of customer issues regarding performance of topology. determine a plan to how we can address this - both from a coding perspective as well as possible UX solutions


      There are a number of enhancements that can be made to improve the usability of Topology

      1. Use the new PF topology package
      2. Provide a visual indicator so that users know if there is an error with a SBR in topology
      3. Remove some features from topology

      Acceptance criteria:

      1. use new PF topology package (implies dark theme)
      2. SBR
        1. Provide a visual indicator so that users know if there is an error with a SBR in topology
        2. In Topology side panel, include a badge for error state in title
        3. In Details of Topology side panel, show the error
      3. Remove the following features from topology view
        1. Consumption mode can be removed, thus MODE in general is not needed
        2. Layout 2 option, thus no layout options are needed


      Exploration Miro board

            rhn-support-smunje Satyajeet Munje
            rkratky@redhat.com Robert Krátký
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