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  1. Docs for Red Hat Developers
  2. RHDEVDOCS-3827

TLS authentication configuration example is indented incorrectly


      Created attachment 1863714 [details]TLS authentication configuration sample.

      Document URL:
      Section Number and Name: Configuring remote write storage

      Describe the issue: The TLS authentication configuration sample in "Configuring remote write storage" section is not correct. The yaml example is not indented correctly. tlsConfig section must have another two spaces.

      Suggestions for improvement: The sample should be corrected to avoid problems with the configuration. This configuration does not have any syntax error, tlsConfig values are ignored instead.

      Additional information: Attached you will find sample.txt file. The first section is the sample in the documentation. The second section is the correct yaml example.

            rhn-support-bburt Brian Burt
            cbremble@redhat.com Claire Bremble
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