Resolution: Done
devex docs #213 Jan 13-Feb 3, devex docs #214 Feb 3-Feb 24
Update Supported Configurations and components
- Contact SME/QA to find out what changed when it comes to supported configs
- EAP XP 3.0.0.
- Mac OS 10.15, 11, 12 (specific version to be provided)
- Fedora 35 instead of 33 -> Fedora 34 and 35 supported now
- Ubuntu supported versions - Ubuntu 20.04, 21.10 (21.04 was discontinued recently)
- JDK 17 (https://issues.redhat.com/browse/JBIDE-28080)
- clones
RHDEVDOCS-3173 Update Supported Configurations and components for CRS 12.21
- Closed
- mentioned on