Resolution: Done
devex docs #213 Jan 13-Feb 3, devex docs #215 Feb 24-Mar 17
Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.)
User Story
As a developer building applications on OpenShift
I want to use RHEL entitlements in my builds
So that I can add RHEL subscription content to my container image
Acceptance Criteria
Cluster admins should be able to do the following:
- Create a SharedSecret object on the cluster, referencing the entitlement secret that the insights operator places on the cluster (etc-pki-entitlement in the openshift-config-managed)
- Create a Role/RoleBinding for the builder service account in a specific namespace, granting it permission to "use" the SharedSecret.
Developers should then be able to do the following:
- The shared entitlement can be added to a Build
- The build can consume the entitlement and access subscription content, example `dnf install -y kernel-devel`
Docs Impact
The current guidance on consuming RHEL entitlements in builds should be extended to add instructions that:
- Enable tech preview on the cluster
- Create a `SharedSecret` using the cluster-wide entitlement
- Create a `RoleBinding` which allows the `builder` ServiceAccount to use the cluster entitlement
- Add the CSI volume to a BuildConfig which uses the shared secret and mounts the secret in the correct location
QE Impact
QE should verify this procedure works
PX Impact
Deferred to BUILD-397
For RBAC, there are alternatives to creating a namespaced role/rolebinding:
- Create a ClusterRole/ClusterRoleBinding which grants "use" permission for the SharedSecret for all builder service accounts can access it.
- Create a ClusterRole that aggregates to the "edit" role.
Zvanko's blog post: https://cloud.redhat.com/blog/how-to-use-entitled-image-builds-to-build-drivercontainers-with-ubi-on-openshift
- account is impacted by
OCPBUILD-96 Verify that builds work with RHEL subscriptions
- Closed
- links to