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  1. Docs for Red Hat Developers
  2. RHDEVDOCS-3576

[H] Document support for Project/namespace scoped Helm Chart Repository


      Today members of an OpenShift project need someone with admin level permission to be able to create a Helm repo to be used in the console. 

      Document the following aspects:

      • To allow members of the project with the appropriate RBAC permission to create helm repos to be able to create their own helm repos scoped to their project (to create new resource ProjectHelmChartRepository scoped to a namespace.)
      • Project members will be able to create projects scoped helm repo resources.
      • Projects members will be able to see charts from both cluster scoped and project scoped Helm Repo resources.
      • Administrators can limit users from being able to create project scoped helm repo resources.
      • Describe the difference between ProjectHelmChartRepository and HelmChartRepository

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              rhn-support-srr Srivaralakshmi Ramani
              rhn-support-srr Srivaralakshmi Ramani
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