Resolution: Done
CRW 2.6.0
devex docs #197 Feb 11-Mar 4, devex docs #198 Mar 4-Mar 25
When trying to follow Administration guide for CRW v2.6 in section:
3.2. Building custom registry images
at point 8 for the procedure:
8. Build a custom devfile registry image:
$ cd dependencies/che-devfile-registry $ ./build.sh --organization <my-org> \ --registry <my-registry> \ --tag <my-tag> \ --latest-only $ cd ../../dependencies/che-devfile-registry $ ./build.sh --organization <my-org> \ --registry <my-registry> \ --tag <my-tag> \ --latest-only
The --latest-only parameter is not available in the ./build.sh script for git@github.com:redhat-developer/codeready-workspaces.git in crw-2.6-rhel-8 branch
So it should be removed from the documentation by my opinion.
Additionally maybe I am missing something but I do not understand why it is there two times, probably it is a bug and should be removed the second build.sh command.