Uploaded image for project: 'Docs for Red Hat Developers'
  1. Docs for Red Hat Developers
  2. RHDEVDOCS-2534

IG: Bad publishing/compilation


      CRW 2.5 IG. The content, starting with the section just after 4.1.1. Understanding CodeReady Workspaces server advanced configuration using the Operator, is not fully compiled by Asciidoctor. Some mark-up is rendered, some isn't (especially headings are not rendered as headings at all, lists all mostly screwed up etc.). This goes all the way down to the end of the guide.

      In the multi-page version, this makes the TOC stop at 4.1.1, and this chapter then includes the whole remainder of the guide with no TOC structuring.

      Upstream is OK, so this must have been caused either by some downstreaming snafu, or by a borked ccutil build.



        1. Screenshot_20210121_152731.png
          23 kB
          Robert Krátký
        2. Screenshot_20210122_181253.png
          35 kB
          Robert Krátký
        3. Screenshot from 2021-01-25 11-03-48.png
          433 kB
          Fabrice Flore-Thébault

              ffloreth@redhat.com Fabrice Flore-Thébault
              rkratky@redhat.com Robert Krátký (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
