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  1. Docs for Red Hat Developers
  2. RHDEVDOCS-2513

Errors in the custom registry build documentation


      CRW documentation chapter about building custom registries has the following bugs:

      • a few steps in the documentation are duplicated (6,7,8 are duplicated of 3,4,5 and step 8 command has 2 identical command lines)
      • the build command in step 8 fails because --latest-only is not a valid option anymore
      • the build command in step 8 without --latest-only succeeds but uses Dockerfile instead of rhel.Dockerfile and the container fails at execution. That can be fixed adding option --rhel
      • the build command in step 8 with --rhel and without --latest-only fails because access to RH VPN is required to add the rpm repositories listed in content_sets_rhel8.repo. That can be fixed removing that file.

      Note Those issues have been reported by a customer.

            ericwill@redhat.com Eric Williams
            mloriedo Mario Loriedo
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