Resolution: Done
CRW 2.4.0
devex docs #191 Oct 8-Oct 29, devex docs #192 Oct 29-Nov 19
In https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_workspaces/2.4/html-single/administration_guide/index#devfile-registry_crw, I see a few problems:
- link to https://github.com/eclipse/che-devfile-registry and https://github.com/eclipse/che-plugin-registry should be replaced with their downstream equivalents:
- container images are wrong too, they should be:
- registry.redhat.io/codeready-workspaces/devfileregistry-rhel8:2.4
- registry.redhat.io/codeready-workspaces/pluginregistry-rhel8:2.4
- Inconsistencies
- Section 1.1.3 is titled "1.1.3. Devfile registry", but section 1.1.4 is titled "1.1.4. CodeReady Workspaces plug-in registry". The simpler title for "1.1.4 Plug-in registry" seems more appropriate to me, but then it'll be inconsistent with sections 1.1.1 through 1.1.6. Perhaps you want to simplify all those section titles, and the 1.2.x titles too?
- text under devfile section 1.1.3 says "For more information about devfile registry customization, see the Customizing devfile registry section." with no link. It should link to https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_workspaces/2.4/html-single/administration_guide/index#building-a-custom-devfile-registry_crw
- is related to
RHDEVDOCS-1762 [CONTENT_UPDATE] AG - Customizing the devfile and plug-in registries documentation overly hard to read and understand
- Closed
RHDEVDOCS-2168 AG - Improve Admin guide: "1. Customizing the devfile and plug-in registries" section
- Closed