Resolution: Done
CRW 2.2.0
The whole section, 3. Installing CodeReady Workspaces in TLS mode with self-signed certificates needs reworking:
- since TLS mode is on by default now (required by Theia) I would suggest we retitle this section: "Installing CodeReady Workspaces using self-signed certificates"
- all references to Minikube/Kubernetes/Openshift 1.9 should be removed
- order of supported OCP versions should align to the order of the sections in the IG. Since section 1 is re: OCP 4, and section 2 is OCP 3, we should do the same in section 3, and list OCP 4 before OCP 3.
- Minishift is deprecated and not a supported platform. We should instead talk about OCP 3
- section 3.1, "Deploying CodeReady Workspaces with self-signed TLS certificates on OpenShift 4 using Operator" doesn't mention CRC at all, despite the link in section 3. We should either mention BOTH OCP 4 and CRC as viable install targets, or just focus on OCP 4.
In Che 7.14.x and CRW 2.2, "Che operator will automatically detect if router certificate is self-signed. If so it will be propagated to Che server and some other components."
This means the -self-signed-cert flag has been removed from crwctl, along with the -tls flag.
Details here:
Additionally, we might want to document in the release notes (if not already there) something about:
TLS mode for Che – it is not recommended to turn this off.
tlsSupport: true
See also https://github.com/eclipse/che-operator/pull/317
In section 3.4, there are more mentions of minikube and minishift - should be removed.
"Example with crc on OSX" ... Should "crc" ever appear in lowercase? Or should that be CodeReady Containers or CRC?
Perhaps we can remove this whole section? WDYT mmorhun abazko ?