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  1. Docs for Red Hat Developers
  2. RHDEVDOCS-2004

Review "3.2. Making a workspace portable using a devfile"


    • devex docs #189 Aug 28-Sep 18, devex docs #190 Sep 18-Oct 8
    • 8

      Review "3.2. Making a workspace portable using a devfile" for formatting issues, incosistent use of "OpenShift", bad Kubernetes to OpenShift substitutions.

      Some of the issues:

      • A lot of references to the upstream devfile stuff (repo, schema etc). I assume those are okay but a few instances should be reviewed:
      List of available CodeReady Workspaces plug-ins and more information about registry can be found in the CodeReady Workspaces plug-in registry GitHub repository.

      They are not CRW plugins and registry, they're Eclipse Che.


      • Component type: kubernetes
        A complex component type that allows to apply configuration from a list of OpenShift components.



      • bad substitution, should be "Kubernetes"
      Alternatively, to post a devfile with such components to REST API, the contents of the OpenShift list can be embedded into the devfile using the referenceContent field:



      • bad subs (should be k8s) and a trailing parenthesis
      As with the understood by OpenShift).


      • A combination of these constraints can be used to precisely locate the containers inside the referenced OpenShift list.
      • To provision or override entrypoints in a OpenShift or OpensShift component, configure it in the following way:
      • weird rendering, should be a heading?
      Mounting project sources
      • verify if env variables are the same for crw
      The sources is mounted on a location stored in the CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT 
      • Container Entrypoint

         again, weird rendering

      •  OpenShift convention for the variable references.

         should be k8s convention. there's no seperate openshift convention IIRC

      subs issue

      • When running CodeReady Workspaces on a OpenShift cluster, only OpenShift lists are supported. When running CodeReady Workspaces on an OpenShift cluster, both OpenShift lists are supported.
      • For details of the advanced use case, see the reference (TODO: link).
      • The commands are run using the default shell in the container.

        weird rendering

              rhn-gps-tgeorge Thomas George (Inactive)
              yhontyk@redhat.com Yana Hontyk (Inactive)
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              3 Start watching this issue
