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  1. Docs for Red Hat Developers
  2. RHDEVDOCS-1869

[BUG] Erroneous use of prod-ver and prod-prev-ver in Che, CRW docs


      The content in https://www.eclipse.org/che/docs/che-7/converting-a-che-6-workspace-to-a-che-7-devfile/ uses prod-ver and prod-prev-ver attributes, which works well for Che 6 vs Che 7.

      However, when downstreamed, this becomes problematic now that version 2.1 is out – prod-prev-ver is no longer 1.2 but 2.0, which causes the CRW doc to render incorrectly: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_codeready_workspaces/2.1/html-single/end-user_guide/index#converting-a-codeready-workspaces-2.0-workspace-to-a-codeready-workspaces-2.1-devfile

      We already an attribute for the current product version: prod-ver. Let's keep it.

      prod-prev-ver attribute is the previous minor version.

      We need a new attribute for previous major version. Let's define it as prod-prev-ver-major:

      • Downstream:
        :prod-prev-ver-major: 1.2 
      • Upstream:
        :prod-prev-ver-major: 6.x 

      NB: please also use this new attribute in the downstream-only upgrade from the previous major version doc.


      • docs/topics/crw/proc_upgrading-codeready-workspaces-from-previous-major-version.adoc

      This section describes how to perform an upgrade from the previous major version of

      {prod} (1.2).
      This sections describes how to perform an upgrade from the previous major version of {prod}


            rkratky@redhat.com Robert Krátký
            rkratky@redhat.com Robert Krátký
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