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  1. Docs for Red Hat Developers
  2. RHDEVDOCS-1554

Topology scalability and Using filters within Topology view


      https://issues.redhat.com/browse/ODC-1709 and https://issues.redhat.com/browse/ODC-1708
      This issue provides documentation for both of the above epics. It may require a paragraph or a section within the Viewing App topology modules. Screenshots will need to be updated.

       User Story: As a developer I should be able to filter the applications or groups of applications and other workloads deployed on the Topology view so that I can work efficiently with my workloads.

      Acceptance Criteria:

      This would require a small section with the interacting module linked here. It should cover how an user can use the filter to see nodes based on name and resource types and other filter options. It is more or less on the lines of https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.4/applications/application_life_cycle_management/odc-viewing-application-composition-using-topology-view.html#odc-interacting-with-applications-and-components_viewing-application-composition-using-topology-view. Use bullet points instead of numbered steps as they are options an user would use.

      This should come after this section: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.4/applications/application_life_cycle_management/odc-viewing-application-composition-using-topology-view.html#odc-connecting-components_viewing-application-composition-using-topology-view section. 

      TODO: new expand all button see gif this is for 4.6

            pmacko Peter Macko (Inactive)
            pchandra@redhat.com Preeti Chandrashekar
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
