Feature Request
Resolution: Done
CRW 1.2.0
devex docs #167 May 22-Jun 11
In CRW 1.2, we've updated the images on which an offline CRW install depends.
Thus a 1.2 version of this section, "4.1. Preparing CodeReady Workspaces deployment from a local registry" [1] , will be required.
Old Images were:
* codeready-workspaces/server:1.1: CodeReady Workspaces server * codeready-workspaces/server-operator:1.1: operator that installs and manages CodeReady Workspaces * rhscl/postgresql-96-rhel7:1-25: PostgreSQL database for persisting data * redhat-sso-7/sso72-openshift:1.2-8: Red Hat SSO for authentication * rhel7-minimal:7.6-154: utility image used in preparing the PVCs (Persistant Volume Claims)
New images are:
* codeready-workspaces/server-rhel8:1.2: CodeReady Workspaces server * codeready-workspaces/server-operator-rhel8:1.2: operator that installs and manages CodeReady Workspaces * rhscl/postgresql-96-rhel7:1-40: PostgreSQL database for persisting data * redhat-sso-7/sso73-openshift:1.0-11: Red Hat SSO for authentication * ubi8-minimal:8.0-127: utility image used in preparing the PVCs (Persistant Volume Claims)
As taken from [2]:
DefaultPvcJobsImage = "registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8-minimal:8.0-127" DefaultPostgresImage = "registry.access.redhat.com/rhscl/postgresql-96-rhel7:1-40" DefaultKeycloakImage = "registry.access.redhat.com/redhat-sso-7/sso73-openshift:1.0-11"
[2] https://github.com/eclipse/che-operator/blob/master/pkg/deploy/defaults.go#L34-L37
- is caused by
CRW-280 replace unauth'd registry.access.redhat.com with authenticated registry.redhat.io
- Closed