Resolution: Unresolved
User Story:
- As a Workspace Administrator, I can delete an existing empty workspace from the list view.
Link to Mocks:
Acceptance Criteria:
- I can delete an existing empty workspace from the kebab menu in the list view.
- I can bulk delete workspaces from the top kebab menu in the list view
- Delete modal should look the same as the modal in the details view.
- I can delete any existing empty workspace I am an administrator of.
- If I attempt to delete a workspace containing assets (hosts, clusters, etc.) the option is not available, and a message/tool-tip or other notice informs me I must move all assets before I can delete the workspace.
- If I attempt to delete an empty workspace with child-workspaces that contain assets, the option is not available and a message/tool-tip or other notice informs me I must remove all assets associated with the child-workspaces before I can delete the parent workspace.
- The system prompts me to confirm I want to delete the workspace.
- If there are other empty workspaces within the parent, the notice informs me those will also be deleted when the parent workspace is deleted.
- The deleted workspace (and any children) are removed from the organization and no longer appears in the workspace list.