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  1. Hybrid Cloud Console
  2. RHCLOUD-35442

Kessel | Insights on Prem - Service Integrations and Onboarding


    • Kessel | Insights on Prem - Service Integrations and Onboarding
    • False
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    • False
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      1. Technical review: Review the Kessel developer experience documentation, examples, client tools and other integration examples of services already integrated with Kessel to begin development for each service. **
      2. Develop new relations: Build the new relational models for each service to interact with RBAC v2 so access checks can be performed on pages, features, actions within the service. 
      3. Integration with v2 PDP Endpoint: Update apps with the new v2 PDP checks for access controls throughout the service pages. 
      4. Onboarding and Rollout: Launch new functionality in Ephemeral, Stage and then Production and monitor the implementation for feedback, issues or performance that will drive future Kessel iterations.
      Technical review: Review the Kessel developer experience documentation, examples, client tools and other integration examples of services already integrated with Kessel to begin development for each service. ** Develop new relations : Build the new relational models for each service to interact with RBAC v2 so access checks can be performed on pages, features, actions within the service.  Integration with v2 PDP Endpoint : Update apps with the new v2 PDP checks for access controls throughout the service pages.  Onboarding and Rollout: Launch new functionality in Ephemeral, Stage and then Production and monitor the implementation for feedback, issues or performance that will drive future Kessel iterations.
    • Unset
    • To Do
    • CRCPLAN-278 - AuthZ | Service Provider - Early Adoption and Onboarding (Target 2025)

      Review the CRCPLAN parent feature for additional context, including the feature overview, goals, user stories and use cases, acceptance criteria, designs, dependencies, risks, assumptions, pending questions and documentation callouts.

      Summary and goal

      Introduce the AuthZ features and functionality for all required Insights services that will be shipping with the Insights on Prem (IoP) release.

      Unlike the early adopter service integrations, this will be primarily a self-service integration effort by the Insights service teams who will utilize the Developer Experience tools and documentation to build their relations models for RBAC v2, and then integrate with the new PDP checks.

      The teams will:

      • Review the Kessel documentation and examples provided by Notifications and HBI, which should be complete by end of Q4 2024
      • Build their updated relational models for PRBAC v2. 
      • Update access checks to utilize the v2 PDP endpoints.


      Open Questions

      Capture any open questions and resolutions related to the epic goal or acceptance criteria. Add any additional details, questions or decisions that need to be made or addressed. 



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            rhn-support-rabbott Ryan Abbott
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