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  1. Hybrid Cloud Console
  2. RHCLOUD-35073

API documentation is incorrect (cost management)


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      The link https://developers.redhat.com/api-catalog/api/cost-management#content-operations doesn't work - it contradicts where the API is located - and when you use the "documented" url, you are at best getting auth errors. 
      The document has examples using URLs like url = "https://console.redhat.com/reports/openshift/compute/" but these urls returns pure html from the main page of console.redhat.com. The header talks about using localhost:8080 as a test URL for the API - this makes no sense at all, unless it covers how a customer would implement a local test environment of the API.  Suggest we have a test api open to the public and use that (the old legacy API had this).
      The guide doesn't link to instructions for creating a service account, nor does it cover how to assign roles (or which roles per API) are needed for a functional API call. I have customers reporting issues with HTTP-403 or just not getting the data they expect using the sparingly documentation we do have.
      Please incorporate https://access.redhat.com/articles/7036194 into a "getting access" page that can be linked in every API description document. Do include links relevant to managing access on console.redhat.com.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              rh-sa-plarsen Peter Larsen
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