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  1. Hybrid Cloud Console
  2. RHCLOUD-34864

Kessel | In order to support early adopters, test and tune infrastructure for early adopter stage & production loads and schema


    • Kessel | In order to support early adopters, test and tune infrastructure for early adopter stage & production loads and schema
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    • 100% To Do, 0% In Progress, 0% Done

      Review the CRCPLAN parent feature for additional context, including the feature overview, goals, user stories and use cases, acceptance criteria, designs, dependencies, risks, assumptions, pending questions and documentation callouts.

      Summary and goal

      Description of what we're building, the end goal and how we'll go about it.

      Infrastructure should be available and configurable with RHCLOUD-30526. However, this baseline infrastructure may not be configured with the right pod sizes, replicas, or DB instance size for appropriate scale, reliability, and performance. This epic is to be proactive in what is needed for early adopters in production ahead of their usage in order to prevent operational issues and ensure a successful launch.

      Acceptance Criteria 

      These conditions must be met for the epic to be considered complete. This provides a detailed definition of scope and the expected outcomes, written from a user's point of view.


      1. Inventory & Relations API responses are timely and reliable at least at the loads and needs for Notifications
      2. Ideally we should also have enough headroom for HBI & adoption growth. We at least need to understand if we are at risk. So, we should also understand enough of the scaling characteristics for Notifications & HBI schema. Specifically, if we are near a point in # of relations or requests-per-second in which we will need to further refactor or we have enough headroom and know when we need to revisit.


      Checklist Item Required Notes or Comments
      Workstream or external team dependencies? Y / N  
      ADR Required? 
      • Long-form (approval)
      • Short-form (informational)
      Y / N  
      Testing plans
      • New automation or update existing?
      Y / N  
      Known dependencies? 
      • Link to the dependent Jiras
      • Add details
      Y / N  

      Open Questions

      Capture any open questions and resolutions related to the epic goal or acceptance criteria. Add any additional details, questions or decisions that need to be made or addressed. 

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rhit-ahenning Alec Henninger
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