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  1. Hybrid Cloud Console
  2. RHCLOUD-34669

HCC Update shared configuration packages


    • HCC Update shared configuration packages
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • Unset
    • To Do
    • 4% To Do, 2% In Progress, 94% Done

      Tracker epic for “Update shared configuration packages” consoledot tenant action required. Announcement email: https://groups.google.com/a/redhat.com/g/hcc-actions-required/c/821MrEhxvzA

      WHAT & WHEN

      By October 15, the webpack build configuration packages have to be updated to the latest version. The packages in question are:

      • @redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-config@6.2.3
      • @redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-config-utilities@3.2.2


        Updates were made to frontend singleton packages sharing configuration. This update will enable the Console team to develop various new features. The effect of the update is that the new version may affect projects that are running outdated versions of the packages.


      For most teams, this change does not require any additional changes to the codebase.

      For projects with outdated versions of affect packages, there is a change in how the Chrome UI assets are served in local development.

      • For local development, having a container runtime is now required. The local machine must have Podman or Docker installed to run the local development

      Teams that are using the local development service to run e2e tests within a CI environment, please contact the @crc-experience-services-team in[ #forum-consoledot-ui|https://redhat.enterprise.slack.com/archives/C023VGW21NU] channel to review the CI environment and help with changes.https://groups.google.com/a/redhat.com/g/hcc-actions-required/c/821MrEhxvzA

              mhajtol Martin Hajtol
              mhajtol Martin Hajtol
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