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  1. Hybrid Cloud Console
  2. RHCLOUD-34365

Configure events description needs changing for notifications viewer


    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • Unset
    • None

      When I'm logged in as a user with notifications viewer permissions (not Org Admin), I click on Configure Events and the text at the top of the screen is misleading.

      It is the standard text for Notifications Admins, but it doesn't apply to my permissions set, so could be a bit confusing to users:

      "Configure Events
      Configure which event notifications different users within your organization are entitled to receive."

      I can't configure anything in this screen, and as a user, I might be wondering why...


      • add custom text for notifications viewer users (not sure if that's possible)
      • add a popover/help text that says something like "If you aren't an Organization Administrator or Notifications administrator, you cannot edit these events, only view the events available to you that you can subscribe to. Go to Notifications Preferences to select the notifications you want to receive." Feel free to edit, this is just a brainstorm of the info we might want to include!

      emmurphy1@redhat.com has recently added content to the HCC Getting Started Guide about what you can do as a notifications viewer - in https://docs.redhat.com/en/documentation/red_hat_hybrid_cloud_console/1-latest/html-single/getting_started_with_the_red_hat_hybrid_cloud_console/index#managing-notifications_getting-started - so if it helps, you can link to that.

      What do you think is the best way to handle this, emmurphy1@redhat.com rhn-support-jhatcher maryshak1996?

      I was testing the new content for HCCDOC-2241 when I noticed this.

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              dayle.parker Dayle Parker
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