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  1. Hybrid Cloud Console
  2. RHCLOUD-34244

AuthZ | Workspace dashboard


    • Workspace dashboard
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • Unset
    • To Do
    • CRCPLAN-280 - Access Management | Workspace Management UX Updates
    • 100% To Do, 0% In Progress, 0% Done

      Review the CRCPLAN parent feature for additional context, including the feature overview, goals, user stories and use cases, acceptance criteria, designs, dependencies, risks, assumptions, pending questions and documentation callouts.

      Summary and goal

      As a customer I should be able to see custom tailored dashboard with widgets specifically designed for AuthZ to better visualize what actions to take and how best to work with workspaces.

      Dashboard Details and Widgets

      • Creation of a "Dashboard" tab on the console.redhat.com/iam/user-management/overview page
        • Creation of a Billing Account widget 
          • Contains the billing account name
          • Contains the Subscription details, with a list of the primary subs (e.g. RHEL, OpenShift, etc.)
            • Subscription details has a link to "Manage subscriptions" (directs user to the Subscription Management page. 
          • Contains the billing account description.
        • Creation of a Workspaces widget
          • Contains the view of workspaces' tree view similar to the Workspaces list view within workspaces Admin. 
          • Contains a link to view all workspaces
          • Contains the workspace name and description
          • Contains a CTA to create a new workspace (opens the Workspace creation dialog).
          • Has a set height based on the widget and will scroll if the list is larger than the current height. 
        • Creation of an Assets widget
          • Contains a list of all workspaces, along with a count of assets per workspace.
          • Each workspace is a CTA/link to said workspaces' "Assets" tab. 
          • Has a set height based on the widget and will scroll if the list is larger than the current height. 
        • Creation of a User Groups widget
          • Contains a CTA link to "View all groups" which directs to the console.redhat.com/iam/groups page.
          • Contains a list of the User Groups within the Organization.
          • Contains the 'last updated' date for each group. 
          • Has a set height based on the widget and will scroll if the list is larger than the current height. 
        • Creation of a Roles widget
          • Contains a CTA link to "View all roles" which directs to the console.redhat.com/iam/roles page.
          • Contains a list of the Roles within the Organization.
          • Contains the 'last updated' date for each role. 
          • Has a set height based on the widget and will scroll if the list is larger than the current height. 
        • Creation of a Workspace "Favorites" widget
          • Contains a list of any workspaces that have been favorited. 
        • Creation of a Workspace "Recently visited" widget
          • Contains a list of workspaces that have been visited by the user recently, in descending order based on time of last visit. 
          • Lists the last five (5) workspaces visited. 

      Acceptance Criteria

      1. New dahboard in RBAC application https://www.figma.com/design/ay6AYgKYoF0yh1evYctbyP/Workspaces-MVP?t=NuTXB3xd1ujMLRQU-0
      2. Custom tailored widgets available only on RBAC dashboard page
        1. TODO: list all widgets


      Checklist Item Required Notes or Comments
      Workstream or external team dependencies? Y Platform experience services to create new dashboard service
      ADR Required? 
      • Long-form (approval)
      • Short-form (informational)
      Y / N It could be helpful to have an ADR around this
      Testing plans
      • New automation or update existing?
      Known dependencies? 
      • Link to the dependent Jiras
      • Add details

      Open Questions

      Capture any open questions and resolutions related to the epic goal or acceptance criteria. Add any additional details, questions or decisions that need to be made or addressed. 

              Unassigned Unassigned
              khala-1 Karel Hala
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