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  1. Hybrid Cloud Console
  2. RHCLOUD-33627

Feature request: Surface specific links external to HCC in Search


    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • Unset
    • None

      IMPLEMENTATION DOC (Ready for implementation)

      Review the CRCPLAN parent feature for additional context, including the feature overview, goals, user stories and use cases, acceptance criteria, designs, dependencies, risks, assumptions, pending questions and documentation callouts.

      Summary and goal

      This request is part of the effort to Increasing Visibility of Operators in HCC lead by ekim@redhat.com . Related deck: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14uIh3ZVTWQ6_U0_lIG8q9l63d_NWXJJ84w7GjatDUKw/edit#slide=id.g270ab002f58_0_1047


      When users can't find something they otherwise might be browsing for, they generally turn to search. If a user is aware of but can't locate content related to certain popular operators, they will likely search on HCC for it. Because there is no content on HCC today for operators like Pipelines, GitOps, RHTAP and other popular services, nothing is surfaced when they are searched for.


      This proposal is for HCC search to be able to surface specific external to HCC links for certain keywords, in this case, related to operators. 


      Related slide: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14uIh3ZVTWQ6_U0_lIG8q9l63d_NWXJJ84w7GjatDUKw/edit#slide=id.g270bb18046a_0_268

      Related prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/l3D2esMfiWpj3NXPABjyyw/Layered-services-v2?page-id=0%3A1&type=design&node-id=1-13168&viewport=3002%2C2710%2C0.25&t=Bp4AX4SNh7BULGBh-1&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=1%3A13168&show-proto-sidebar=1 



      Acceptance Criteria 

      These conditions must be met for the epic to be considered complete. This provides a detailed definition of scope and the expected outcomes, written from a user's point of view.


      1. When a user searches for a pre-determined search term, a pre-determined result that is external to HCC is presented
      2. The result is decorated with an icon indicating the user will be taken to an external page


      Checklist Item Required Notes or Comments
      Workstream or external team dependencies? Y / N  
      ADR Required? 
      • Long-form (approval)
      • Short-form (informational)
      Y / N  
      Testing plans
      • New automation or update existing?
      Y / N  
      Known dependencies? 
      • Link to the dependent Jiras
      • Add details
      Y / N  

      Open Questions

      Capture any open questions and resolutions related to the epic goal or acceptance criteria. Add any additional details, questions or decisions that need to be made or addressed. 

            Unassigned Unassigned
            pkreuser Peter Kreuser
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