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  1. Hybrid Cloud Console
  2. RHCLOUD-33233

SPIKE:Refactoring template & aggregation to help Kafka load


      We need to consider moving the code about email templates closer to the email connector, or even "to" the email connector. The engine should only be responsible for receiving events and then distributing them to the right connectors. Any other work, like templating, which is connector specific, should probably be done in the connectors themselves.

      However, we need to discuss this.

      1. We first need to develop a new module the engine will depend from to make sure that everything keeps working as expected.
      2. Then, we have to make the connectors depend on that module.
      3. The next step would be to stop generating and sending the payloads from the engine and generate those payloads in the connectors themselves.
      4. Finally, we would have to remove the engine's dependency on the templating module.

      cc: rhn-support-jhatcher glepage@redhat.com 


              rh-ee-gduval Guillaume Duval
              kriedese Katie Riedesel
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