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  1. Hybrid Cloud Console
  2. RHCLOUD-30375

Enable filtering by the service account's name and description


    • 5
    • False
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    • False
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      it is possible to use new query parameters service_account_description and service_account_name to filter the service accounts by description and/or name, params belong to the RBAC endpoint /groups/{uuid}/principals

      1. Create new RBAC group and add three service accounts into this group

      2. Send a request to the /groups/{uuid}/principals/ endpoint with query params ?principal_type=service-account&service_account_description=<description> and attempt filtering one of the accounts by its description. Assert that only that one is fetched.

      3. Send a request to the /groups/{uuid}/principals/ endpoint with query params ?principal_type=service-account&service_account_name=<name> and attempt filtering one of the accounts by its name. Assert that only that one is fetched.


      • the query params service_account_description and service_account_name have to be used together with the query param principal_type=service-account and  in the opposite these query params are ignored
      • the query params service_account_description and service_account_name can be used together in one request and results will match both 
      • it is possible to use the params without a value (e.g. ?principal_type=service-account&service_account_description=) - the result has to be same as without this param in the query (e.g. ?principal_type=service-account)
      • both params are case sensitive, so "RBAC" and "rbac" are treated as 2 different strings
      it is possible to use new query parameters service_account_description and service_account_name  to filter the service accounts by description and/or name , params belong to the RBAC endpoint /groups/{uuid}/principals 1. Create new RBAC group and add three service accounts into this group 2. Send a request to the  /groups/{uuid}/principals/  endpoint with query params  ?principal_type=service-account&service_account_description=<description>  and attempt filtering one of the accounts by its  description . Assert that only that one is fetched. 3. Send a request to the  /groups/{uuid}/principals/  endpoint with query params  ?principal_type=service-account&service_account_name=<name>  and attempt filtering one of the accounts by its  name . Assert that only that one is fetched. notes: the query params  service_account_description  and  service_account_name  have to be used together with the query param  principal_type=service-account  and  in the opposite these query params are ignored the query params  service_account_description  and  service_account_name  can be used together in one request and results will match both  it is possible to use the params without a value (e.g. ? principal_type=service-account&service_account_description= ) - the result has to be same as without this param in the query (e.g.  ?principal_type=service-account ) both params are case sensitive, so " RBAC " and " rbac " are treated as 2 different strings
    • Unset
    • CRCPLAN-185 - RBAC | Support Service Account Auth in Console RBAC
    • No
    • Access & Management Sprint 80, Access & Management Sprint 81, Access & Management Sprint 82, Access & Management Sprint 83

      The UI requires the back end to return a group's service accounts by applying some filtering on their names and their description.

            mbarcina@redhat.com Mikel Barcina
            mbarcina@redhat.com Mikel Barcina
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