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  1. Hybrid Cloud Console
  2. RHCLOUD-29652

Mobile navigation not behaving as expected


    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • Unset
    • No

      In prod right now, the services dropdown experience is not intuitive. The user has to do several unnecessary interactions with the expand/collapse icons. Additionally, the 'X' icon is in a location that does not make sense to close the entire services nav dropdown. So, we need these items changed/added:

      • Change location of 'X' icon from the white section to next to the all services button with a vertical splitter between the blue button and the 'X'.
      • Change the text logic for what is next to the expand/collapse fromĀ  NAV-CATEGORY to be Category: NAV-CATEGORY
      • Upon opening the services dropdown, the category expandable section should default to being expanded so that the user can see all the categories, but with 'Favorites' in the selected state.
      • MOST IMPORTANT!! When a user clicks into a nav category (like AI/ML in the example), the expandable section should automatically close to reveal that category's content.

      See the mocks below for more detail.

      What's in prod:

      What we want:

        1. image-2023-11-30-12-31-51-730.png
          1.47 MB
          Mary Shakshober
        2. Mobile-nav_DESIRED.png
          1.75 MB
          Mary Shakshober

            Unassigned Unassigned
            maryshak1996 Mary Shakshober
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            3 Start watching this issue
